While the name Partners for Insightful Evaluation became official in January 2022, the formation began much earlier.

Our Story

Partners for Insightful Evaluation (PIE) is a team of dedicated evaluators who love what they do. The PIE team was formed on a common understanding that evaluation should provide insight to drive improvement in a collaborative environment.

Where it Started

The story begins when Mindy Anderson-Knott and Joyce Schmeeckle began a collaboration and friendship. Joyce had started Schmeeckle Research, and after collaborating with Mindy, discovered a shared vision and passion for making a difference through evaluation. Because of this shared vision, Joyce asked Mindy to join the Schmeeckle Research team to ultimately become her successor. After working in administrative roles, Mindy was thrilled to join because she wanted to get her hands dirty and “do” evaluation - working directly with clients and ultimately impacting lives.

The team was further enhanced with the additions of Liz Gebhart-Morgan and Cole Boyle – resulting in a team with a comprehensive set of skills and styles.

Our Key Ingredients

With each of our projects, this is what you can expect when you work with us…
We take a personalized and individualized approach where we listen to client needs and understand the uniqueness of each organization and project.
We want data to be applied in a solutions-oriented manner that leads to positive forward momentum.
We pride ourselves on being adaptable and easy to work with. We do what we can on our end to minimize the burden for our clients.
We find evaluation fun and hope our love of data will translate to positive experience for our clients.
We are committed to presenting honest, straightforward, timely, and unbiased reporting in a confidential manner.
Schmeeckle Research was founded
Mindy and Joyce began collaborating
Mindy joined Schmeeckle Research
Liz Gebhart-Morgan joined
Cole Boyle joined
Schmeeckle Research renamed to PIE

Plus, who doesn't love PIE?

We feel the name Partners for Insightful Evaluation (PIE) sums up our approach perfectly because it’s a blend of everything we believe in.

We view ourselves as a Partner in the evaluation process, collaborating with the goal of helping organizations or programs have the greatest impact.

We bring an outside perspective and present the data in a manner that gives our clients the Insight they need to make data-driven decisions.

We provide expertise in Evaluation to ensure a systematic, unbiased, and objective approach is utilized to assess your program or process.
Partners for Insightful Evaluation
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